Education Resources

Get step-by-step information on how to find, enrol, and start a child in your care at a school in Victoria and where the government can help, is available on the Victorian government website.

You can find more information and answers to frequently asked questions on the Department’s website under School zones.  hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones. Students residing in a school zone are guaranteed a place at the school in their zone, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address. As our school is registered as a Specialist school, we do not have a school zone and placement is conditional on meeting the Student referral criteria listed in our Referral policy.

To ensure students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and the freedom to choose other schools, subject to facility limitations. Enrolment: Placement Policy 

Under the Department of Education and Training’s Parent Payments Policy, Victorian government schools are required to provide transparent information to their school community on voluntary parent/carer contributions. Avenues Education do not request any payments or contributions, and all services are provided at no cost to parents/carers.

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